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Who's in Charge?


A child to parent violence programme aimed at parents/carers whose children are being abusive or violent to them or appear out of parental control.  


Part 1 – Aims to change parental attitude and reduce blame, guilt and shame.


Part 2 – Explores the use of consequences to change unwanted behaviour and empower the parent/carer.


Part 3 – Supports parents/carers to make changes within the home alongside advanced topics such as anger, assertiveness and self-care.

The group runs over  9  weeks with sessions lasting  2.5  hours and a follow up after 2 months
Image by Jesús Rodríguez
What is child to parent/carer abuse?

Violence and abuse is any behaviour used by the young person towards any family member, with the aim of controlling, dominating, threatening or coercing force or threats).

Sometimes there is no apparent reason why it happens.  Adolescent violence and abuse can occur in any family and is not associated with economic class, ethnic background or sexual orientation. Although fathers are also susceptible, research shows that mothers are the most frequent victims of parent/carer abuse.

If it is happening to you, we can help.

When professionals are called in to work with a child/young adult, they can present as suspicious and guarded about what they first tell us.
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