Our Services
At NDAS, we believe everyone has the right to live their lives free from harm and abuse. We are committed to saving, reclaiming and improving the lives of individuals and families that are affected by domestic abuse.
We work intensively with our clients both in refuge and in the wider community to ensure they have all the practical and emotional support required, to move forward with their lives.
This can include many forms of violence and abuse. Take a look below at all the Services NDAS is currently able to offer.
Make sure you check out our video too…

training for professionals
Did you know that One-fifth of employed women take time off work because of domestic violence and 2% lose their jobs as a direct result of abuse. The Equality and Human Rights Commission estimates that 56% of those enduring abuse are frequently late for work and 54% miss at least three days a year due to abuse.
The direct cost of domestic abuse to UK business is around £1.9 billion per year, excluding lost productivity and performance.
The human and emotional costs to individuals affected by the issue are huge, and growing numbers of employers are now recognising that domestic abuse is a health and wellbeing issue.
NDAS offer a range of courses and workshops that can help your organisation develop and support your workforce. This approach can mean that you have a healthier, happier workforce which will help productivity and growth.
Victim-survivors from diverse communities are far less likely to seek help when victimized by an intimate partner:
Click here to read some of our clients stories and how NDAS has helped them to change their lives.
Note: Where we have used case studies, all names and indentifying details have been changed to protect identities.