Paying in your Money
Thank you so much for supporting NDAS. A gift, no matter how small can make such a difference and we really appreciate every penny. Please remember to let us know when you are sending us money as we will want to track it and thank you for your kind donation.
There are a number of ways you can pay in the money you’ve raised for us:
If you’ve raised money online through a fundraising platform called GIVEY, this will come directly through to our charity.
Pay by cheque
If you’re fundraising offline, encourage your sponsors to donate using cheques payable to ‘NDAS’ or ‘Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service.’ Send the cheques directly to NDAS along with any sponsorship forms to our postal address:
FAO: Pierre Ellson
Keep House
124 High Street
NN29 7RJ

If your organisation is interested in sponsoring NDAS or would like to make a regular donation, please do get in touch: info@ndas-org.co.uk
Pay by cash
If you get sponsorship in cash, you should deposit it into your own bank account and send NDAS a donation by means of the following options:
A personal cheque
A BACS transfer
A one off payment via Paypal Donate (paypal.com)
Regular monthly payment via PayPal (works the same as a Direct Debit) Donate (paypal.com)
Pay by bank transfer
You can pay money directly into our NDAS Account.
Sort Code: 20-61-55
Account Number: 63160432
Account Name: Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service
Bank Name: Barclays
Receipts and authorisation
We will send you a thank you letter with acknowledgement of the money received. If companies or individuals request individual receipts for the amounts they have given you, please let us know.