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Mūsų vyresniųjų lyderių komanda

Visi žinome, kad bet kurios organizacijos sėkmę lemia jos darbuotojai, ir tai tikrai galima pasakyti apie mus.  Mes labiau panašūs į šeimą, kurių kiekvienas dalijasi tuo pačiu tikru noru; padėti pakeisti mūsų klientų gyvenimus į gerąją pusę. Nuo mūsų namų tvarkytojų iki generalinio direktoriaus, mes visi atliekame pagrindinį vaidmenį „Iššūkių keliantis požiūris ir keičiantis gyvenimui“.

Mūsų labdarai vadovauja mūsų vyresniųjų lyderių komanda ir patikėtinių taryba

NDAS CEO - Rachel Duncan
NDAS Operations Manager - Natriece Westwood
NDAS Finance Manager - Pierre Ellson

Dr Rachel Duncan Rachel is the CEO of NDAS, joining the team in March 2019, but has worked in other areas of community safety, commissioning and safeguarding development in Northamptonshire for over 15 years. She has overall accountability for managing, developing and delivering the strategic direction of NDAS and works to ensure ongoing sustainability, growth and success. She likes music, cats and socialising with cats (and people).

Natriece Westwood Natriece is the NDAS Operations manager and joined the team in June 2016. She is part of our senior management team and is responsible for overseeing delivery of the service, providing supervision and advice to the team, developing induction and training for NDAS and coordination of student and volunteer placements. She has had various roles in Domestic abuse over the last 13 years and is passionate about supporting all victims. Natriece enjoys dancing, spending time with family and socialising with friends.

Zoë Tatham Zoë is the NDAS Business Manager and joined the team in June 2016. She is part of our senior management team and is responsible for a variety of functions including HR, IT systems, GDPR regulations, communications, and fundraising. She has had various roles in line management and training and most recently worked for Northants Police in their control room. Zoe enjoys crafting, cooking and eating as well as keeping fit at bootcamp sessions (so she can cook and eat lots). She loves rugby and is a proud Leicester Tigers fan.

​Pierre Ellson Pierre is the Finance Manager, joining NDAS in November 2015. He is part of the senior management team and is responsible for all finance functions as well as insurance and health and safety. He has worked in finance for over 35 years and has experience of working in local authorities, housing associations and care homes. Pierre enjoys cricket and football especially following Arsenal, and enjoys music.

Our Vision & Values


NDAS is committed to saving lives, reclaiming lives and improving the lives of individuals and families who are affected by domestic abuse.


We believe that everyone, adults and children, has the right to live in a safe environment that allows them to thrive, realise their potential and develop at their own pace.

We want to prevent, reduce and minimise the harm inflicted by domestic abuse and help families be happy, healthy and resilient; and for future generations be free from abuse and fear.

Image by Darius Bashar

Kad pasiektume savo viziją , NDAS tai padarys

  • Teikti kokybiškas paslaugas, prieinamas visiems, nepaisant lyties, lyties, rasės, kultūros ar kilmės.

  • Darbas siekiant sumažinti smurto šeimoje aukų skaičių ir sumažinti aukoms bei jų šeimoms kylančią riziką;

  • Įgalinkite išgyvenusius žmones ir jų vaikus atkurti savo gyvenimą be smurto ir baimės;

  • Sumažinti prievartos šeimoje stigmą ir skatinti šeimas greičiau gauti pagalbą;

  • Didinti informuotumą apie smurtą šeimoje, kas tai yra ir kokį poveikį ji daro šeimoms;

  • Įsisteigti kaip integruotą bendruomenių, su kuriomis ir dėl kurių dirbame, dalį;

  • Būti gerbiama, profesionalia ir patikima organizacija apskrityje, glaudžiai bendradarbiaujanti su kitais partneriais;

  • Pasiekite nepriklausomybę per įvairias pajamas, kurios nepriklauso nuo viešojo sektoriaus finansavimo;

  • Teikti įrodymais pagrįstas paslaugas, sutelkiant dėmesį į traumomis pagrįstą požiūrį, skirtą neigiamiems potyriams (ir AKF), skatinti ilgalaikius reabilitacinius pokyčius ir kurti teigiamus ateities rezultatus šeimoms.

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Kiekvienais metais JK beveik 2 milijonai žmonių patiria smurtą šeimoje

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