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Donating Hair

Donate & Fundraising

Based on national victimisations statistics, we estimate that, during their lifetimes, more than 95,000 women (a quarter of women) and more than 61,000 men (one sixth of men) in Northamptonshire have experienced domestic abuse.

We also estimate that, during the last 12 months, 45,000 people (6% of the county’s population) were victims of domestic abuse and, of these, around 38,000 (85%) sought help at least 5 times before getting the help they needed.

Whether you take part in an event or fundraise, become a volunteer or sign up to campaign - you're helping us fight for every victim of Domestic Abuse. Your amazing support really can help us to save lives.

Take a look at the various ways you and your organisation can become involved.

You can also download our new Fundraising Pack below to help with your fundraising journey!

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our fundraising pack is full of ideas, tips and practical advice

hold my own event

Stu Vincent Photos (Northampton to Paris)1080 x 1080px (3).png

working with local businesses

Coming soon!
Women's Race
NDAS Northampton to Paris Static Bike Challenge - Wed 1st September (3).png

leave a legacy

School Kids

gift in celebration

Paying it Forward

Have you ever thought about a ‘pay it forward initiative’ for your organisation?

A good example is our recent collaboration with   As a practitioner in Yoga and holistic therapies, owner Jo realises the importance of mental health and wellbeing.

Her donation-based scheme, invites customers to donate a flat amount of just £5 towards a treatment or Yoga class for a resident of our refuges.

Several of our residents have already experienced their first yoga session and felt so relaxed and calm afterwards.

If you would like to get involved in something similar or discuss how your organisation could help to support NDAS, we’d love to hear from you.

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donating made easy

Did you know that there are so many ways that you can make a donation to your charity, at no extra cost to yourself. 


From Amazon Smile, Easyfundraising to a Gift in Celebration.  Every penny is so precious and really can help to make a difference.

Helping to Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:

amazon smile

gift in celebration

gift in your will

Givey Website Banner page (7).png

donate with givey

gift in memory

gift aid

A Cup of Love

Could you share your support by donating £5.00 which is merely the cost of a coffee and a sweet little treat?

If so, click here to donate or text: CUPOFLOVE to 70085. Texts cost £5.00, plus one standard rate message.

Thank you so much for your support 💜

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Get Involved

Take a look at what we've got coming up shortly.  For further information on anything listed, please contact:

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